...is to provide maritime organizations with integrated and scalable Human Resource Management and Payroll Systems that seamlessly coordinate and consolidate processes on land and at sea. To work in collaboration with our maritime customers and meet their ever-changing needs in developing innovative HR and Payroll solutions and optimize crew and fleet management, from compliance to recruitment to crew management, on one centralized platform.
...is to be the preferred supplier of HR and Payroll systems for the shipping, cruise, ferry, offshore, and related industries.
Accountability: We honor the commitments we make and take personal responsibility for all actions and results.
Respect: We respect the human dignity, autonomy, privacy, rights and we treat all people with equal respect and dignity regardless of sex, race or national origin.
Innovation: We challenge ourselves to develop new and improved ideas for all that we do. We encourage, expect and value creativity, openness to change and fresh approaches.
Teamwork: We foster an environment that encourages innovation, creativity, excellence and results through teamwork, and we encourage open and effective communication and interaction.
Integrity: We aim to always do the right thing. We demand of ourselves and of each other the highest standards of individual and corporate integrity.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's
At Adonis, we take pride in providing solutions for the constant changing needs of the industry. Working closely with our customers and staying in tune with regulated requirements, we are dedicated to improving our product on an ongoing basis. As releases and updates are made available, you will remain informed by subscribing to our newsletters or visiting our website.
Leading maritime software company Ripple Operations is proud to announce the acquisition of AdonisHR, a well-known Norwegian family-owned pr
Join the Ripple team in Hamburg on 3-6 September
In the digital age, HR and Payroll departments are essential pillars of any organization.